Friday 27 November 2015

NXTweet 25.11.15

A rarity on NXT this week: a match that was built around outside interference and ref bumps. Honestly, that change was welcome. When used sparingly it's a fun approach that can effectively get heat and build up new acts.


Tweet 1: Watching the NXTs innit.
Tweet 2: Feels like the intro video changes every week. I remember when I first watched RAW and the video was the same for about a year.

Samoa Joe and Finn Bálor contract signing, hosted by Michael Cole

Tweet 4: "Email from Corporate" is such a Michael Cole thing to say.
Tweet 5: Suit and a gimmick T-shirt. The hell you thinking, Finn?
Tweet 6: *Bálor gets in the ring, gives Cole Bloody Sunday*
Tweet 7: Finn Bálor here, declaring war on trust and friendship.
Tweet 8: Enjoying the communist Russia vibe from Joe's entrance lighting and video.
Tweet 9: Arrive. Sign contract. Leave. Get that on a T-shirt.
Tweet 10: Only one man is walking out of this contract signing... and his name is MAGGLE COLE.

"Are you there, Finn? It's me. Joe."

Tweet 11: Building up Joe's clutch here. I assume that means Bálor will survive or counter it at Takeover.
Tweet 12: Genuinely hyped for Bayley versus Eva Marie. Has potential to be either fun or a ridiculous mess. Either way I'd be happy.

NXT tag team championship: The Vaudevillains v Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder (c)

Tweet 13: #Vaudevilainspop
Tweet 14: Really enjoying The Ring Jacket Express lately. Good lads. I'm a fan of them just being a pair of rasslers.
Tweet 15: Excellent facial hair all round in this match.
Tweet 16: Throwing about the falsies here, aren't they?

Such a fan of this move.

Tweet 17: Dawson and Wilder win, because they were always going to. One day we'll get a feud where titles switch back and forth a bit.
Tweet 18: Is it not being called the Shatter Machine anymore? That name was, and is, great.
Tweet 19: Enzo and Cass v The Super Shatter Bros has potential. It'll definitely get the crowd hot.

Eva Marie talks to Tom Philips

Tweet 20: Eva Marie with some slick mic skills here.
Tweet 21: "I'm the hottest literally prospect in a long time" - Eva Marie
Tweet 22: Wut?
Tweet 23: Nia and Eva coming together to form the New Mega Powers and dominate the women's division (which sadly has no tag belts).

Elias Samson vignette

Tweet 24: Loving how daft Elias Samson's 'Drifter' shtick is.
Tweet 25: Give him Bull's push.

Asuka v Dana Brooke... doesn't happen because of an attack by Emma

Tweet 26: Asuka versus Dana Brooke is the definition of Something for the Dads™.
Tweet 27: Dana 'Panto Villain' Brooke there.

Maybe Emma could be revealed as Sister Abigail.
Got the hoodie and she can go upside down like Bray.

Tweet 28: Emma's borrowed Luke Harper's hoodie from Battleground.
Tweet 29: Dana's taunting needs work.

Bayley talks to Tom Philips

Tweet 30: "To some people Eva Marie is the perfect champion" - Bayley
Tweet 31: Bayley is the latest person to mention WWE Corporate. Is that a thing now? Is this what Regal will be crediting for heel decisions?
Tweet 32: WWE Corporate, feat. Jack Tunney.

Sami Zayn vignette

Tweet 33: Sami Zayn is coming back. But more importantly they included a shot of El Local in his return video.
Tweet 34: Samuel Zayn Esq. presumably returning at the post-Takeover tapings.

Apollo Crews v Jesse Sorensen

Tweet 35: Can't wait until Apollo Crews debuts a move and Rich Brennan informs us it's called Crews Control.
Tweet 36: Making out that Jesse Sorensen is a big deal is a step too far. Dilutes the Big Name Free Agent card they've been (over)playing lately.

Apollo's new finish. Save that combo for special occasions, yeah?

Tweet 37: You know who I'd REALLY like to see in NXT? Akira Tozawa.
Tweet 38:  They made the right call keeping that short and not having Sorensen do much.
Tweet 39: "Baron Corbin..." *boos*

Baron Corbin promo

Tweet 40: Barry Corbin with a wildly passionate promo here.
Tweet 41: Sad we didn't get his sign off from last week.

NXT women's championship: Eva Marie v Bayley (c)

Tweet 42: Li'l 'Naitch' pop.
Tweet 43: Corporate have flown Charles Robinson in to "ensure a clean finish." They should have brought in Earl Hebner for this spot.

Old lion Charles Robinson watches on.

Tweet 44: This heat on Eva though. It's because she's wearing gold gear despite her "all red everything" gimmick.
Tweet 45: Nia Jax is wearing more red than Eva.
Tweet 46: Charles Robinson subtly concealing an erection there.
Tweet 47: Potential for Attitude Era level shenanigans here. I'm already a fan of this one.
Tweet 48: To clarify: I hate constant interference. When it's used sparingly and on special occasions it can work wonders.
Tweet 49: Eva being talked about as undeserving. Why, exactly? She's won more matches than Bliss has lately, and Bliss got a title shot.
Tweet 50: Textbook lockup. Who says Eva can't work?
Tweet 51: Eva taking some air guitar from the Tanahashi playbook there.
Tweet 52: Shot of Charles Robinson nodding sagely. Tremendous.
Tweet 53: Loling at the nonsense of this Nia interference.
Tweet 54: Brad should have gotten to do this refereeing. One last hurrah.
Tweet 55: Sliced Red getting such a hot response. Tears.
Tweet 56: Ref bump. Nobody does it better than Charles.
Tweet 57: Good booking. That was a fun bit of nonsense.

The next, and perhaps ultimate, obstacle for Bayley to overcome.

Tweet 58: Nia Jax attacking Bayley because next challenger and why not?
Tweet 59: The Hogan pattern continues.
Tweet 60: Good show that. It was a laugh.

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