Thursday 19 January 2012

That RAW Recap 16.01.12

As RAW aired several days ago I feel that posting a standard recap is fairly pointless. Anybody reading this is likely to have watched the show by now, either live as it happened or on a recording since. I will forego posting a write-up of the show and instead try something different: collating the comments I put onto Twitter as I watched the show. There will be little insight and a lot of things that probably won’t make sense unless you’re watching the show (or remember it really well). Try thinking of this as a companion piece to the show. That may make it a slightly more tolerable read...

Opening segment, featuring Mick Foley, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk and John Laurinaitis

Tweet 1: Ooooooohhh... SHUCKY DUCKY QUACK QUACK!! It's time for me to watch RAW!
Tweet 2: Foley tries too hard these days.
Tweet 3: Foley wants into the Rumble. Fine. Great. Next segment...
Tweet 4: Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho, let's hold that thought. IT'S DOLPH ZIGGLER. #heelsdoitbetter
Tweet 5: I'm watching in HD for the first time. Ziggler's eyes are incredibly blue. #nohomo
Tweet 6: Ziggler is one of WWE's best promo guys. The opening segment of RAW proves it.
Tweet 7: I love Laurinaitis correcting Punk. #EXECUTIVEvicepresident
Tweet 8: Vickie Guerrero STILL laughs like Rita Repulsa from Power Rangers.

Air Boom v Epico and Primo

Tweet 9: The Air Boom v Epico and Primo title change looked VERY sloppy. Poor effort from all four.

Talking and video packages

Tweet 10: That was a solid six seconds of Laurinaitis texting there. Doesn't get much better than that.
Tweet 11: Jerry Lawler looks old. And he needs to dress his age.
Tweet 12: Seriously, Lawler, drop the diamante.
Tweet 13: Recap of the Ryder and Eve love story? Weird.

Jack Swagger v Zack Ryder

Tweet 14: If I was booking WWE Swagger would be split from Vickie and have a comedy entourage. I like serious wrestlers with comedy sidekicks.
Tweet 15: There's some questionable selling going on from Zack Ryder.
Tweet 16: Do you think Vince promised Ryder he'll put the belt back on him "soon"? I bet he did. Didn't work out well for the Honky Tonk Man did it...
Tweet 17: Is Eve Torres made of wood?

Kelly Kelly and Alicia Fox v Brie Bella and Nikki Bella, with Perez Hilton as the special guest ring announcer

Tweet 18: Perez Hilton. What a fugly man.
Tweet 19: This should be the Brock Lesnar return segment. I'd pay good money to watch Lesnar maul this clown.
Tweet 20: Imagine the scene: Perez Hilton celebrates with KK and Alicia. Suddenly Lesnar's music hits and he comes to the ring to destroy EVERYONE.

A random recap of the 1992 Royal Rumble was shown

Tweet 21: Flair winning the '92 Rumble is one of wrestling's greatest moments. #woooooooo
R-Truth, Wade Barrett, Miz and Sheamus segment-match

Tweet 22: #LittleJimmy
Tweet 24: Barrett using "git" on US TV is gold.
Tweet 25: Gold, Jerry. Gold.
Tweet 26: "Don't what me. Okay what me."
Tweet 27: "I don't even know if that's PG."
Tweet 28: Sheamus making the save is random.
Tweet 29: Teddy Long. No dancing though... #badtimes
Tweet 30: Charles Robinson at ringside there. I remember when WCW gave him a huge push as a Flair-a-like.
Tweet 31: Truth won the over the top rope challenge so he's DEFINITELY going to do well in the Rumble.
Tweet 32: Sheamus has Truth's number apparently. Didn't Truth just eliminate him?

Jack Swagger v John Cena

Tweet 33: So there's no logical reason at all for Swagger being the designated jobber for Cena? Great. Fine. Bury new champions. See if I care.
Tweet 34: Swagger holding up the belt and shouting "What's my name?" is a meme waiting to happen.
Tweet 35: If Cena were to turn heel and work matches like this he would be one of wrestling's greatest acts.
Tweet 36: Modern Kane promos are a LOLfest. He can activate his magical fire powers from backstage nowadays. #evolution

Brodus Clay v JTG

Tweet 38: SOMEBODY CALL MY MAMA!! #ohyoudidntseethatcoming
Tweet 39: Brodus muttered "Seewha' cha" as he hit the match winning splash, @HeelBurton.

Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho and CM Punk v Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry and, for some reason, David Otunga

Tweet 40: AJ jobbed to Big Show. WE GET IT.
Tweet 41: "Cruel, inhospitable freak." #BigShow
Tweet 42: 1000 per cent fake. #AmDragmaths
Tweet 43 (a reply): @HeelBurton He danced like a dinosaur this week.
Tweet 44: Daniel Bryan as a heelworld champion is great. I hope we get "I have till five" soon.
Tweet 45: Apparently I can no longer press the space button all the time.
Tweet 46: I like Ziggler's zebra tights. #nohomo
Tweet 47: Jericho tagging out and walking off is ridiculous. But in a good way.
Tweet 48: Mick Foley randomly adds himself to the match and the ECW main event feel is complete.
Tweet 49: FAMEASSER! #BadAssBillyZiggler
Tweet 50: That's right, put Foley over Otunga. He's the future of the business.
Tweet 51: #MrSocko

CM Punk’s post match shoot segment

Tweet 52: I think Laurinaitis just mouthed the F word at Punk.
Tweet 53: John Laurinaitis is a victim of bullying in the workplace. I feel sorry for him.
Tweet 54: "Every week I put on the most entertaining show for the WWE Universe and I'm not appreciated for it!" #MrExcitement
Tweet 55: Laurinaitis versus Foley feud? One word: MONEY.

That’s what went through my mind as I watched the show. My personal highlights were Ziggler’s mic work at the beginning of the show (he’s come a long way in that area over the last year and is now one of the company’s best talkers), R-Truth’s entire segment (particularly the photoshopped pictures of himself at Disneyland and his PG joke), and the main event. Foley putting over the Royal Rumble as something of importance was nice to see as well. That approach is what will encourage people to watch.

Brodus Clay was entertaining, as he was on RAW and SmackDown last week, and Daniel Bryan was very over as a heel. I liked the use of Jericho and the way he worked the crowd only to leave seconds after tagging into the match too. I don’t know where that’s heading but ‘Y2J’s’ been very entertaining in the last three weeks without saying a word.

I’ve quite enjoyed this approach to RAW coverage. I suspect it’s not the last time you’ll see it. Feedback is welcome and actively encouraged, to my Twitter account (@ThatDaveGuy) for preference. Bottom line: good show with some good building going on. The Rumble’s shaping up nicely.

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